About Us


Warburton Environment is proud to be 100% 

Volunteer  and Donation supported.

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Our story

Warburton Environment was incorporated in 2008 as a not for profit, non government community organisation dedicated to protecting the forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria.

We are community members, advocates, nature lovers, friends, experts and leaders from Warburton and the Central Highlands of Victoria.

As an organisation we are dedicated to a progressive vision for our native forests and support an immediate transition of native forest logging to sustainable plantations and a future where our forests and environment are recognised for their true ecological and cultural values.


Statement of purpose


Facilitate links and networking, exchange and interaction within the community to support protection and restoration of ecosystems in the Central Highlands.


Provide a space and opportunity for refining and promoting the vision of, and transition to sustainable development – through all forms of learning and public awareness.


Develop strategies at every level in the community to strengthen capacity and action towards protection and restoration of ecosystems in the Central Highlands.

Our mission & approach

1. Commitment  towards the dignity and rights of all people to have access to healthy water and forests.

2. Commitment towards the needs and rights of future generations and to intergenerational responsibility.

3. Commitment towards the care for the greater community of life in all its diversity which involves the protection and restoration of the water and forest ecosystems and a commitment to ensure resources benefit the broader community

4. Respect for cultural and spiritual diversity and a commitment to build a culture of compassion, non-violence and partnership.

Warburton Environment is an Australian registered charity.


Dollars Raised



Your donations are making a HUGE Impact

How donations are used

  • forest legal defence 84% 84%
  • Expert witness reports 10% 10%
  • fundraising and awareness 5% 5%
  • website hosting and maintenance 1% 1%

 From our committee

Thanks to the communities growing support, Warburton Environment is proudly independent and 100% donation supported. Our members, supporters and volunteers are at the heart of everything we accomplish and allow us to focus on our common goal, a healthy environment for our community and all Victorians.

Our organisation is led by a passionate President and dedicated committee members.

With your help, we can achieve better outcomes for Victoria’s forests.

The Great Forest National Park is a proposal to combine more than 10 smaller parks into a world-class reserve just east of Melbourne. The park will complete a biolinks plan to cradle Melbourne and safeguard Melbourne’s key ecological assets and social values; water, food bowl security, regional jobs, recreational opportunities and wildlife sanctuaries.

great forest national park