After the Logging


new report reveals “systemic and widespread” failure to regrow Victoria’s forests after logging

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Woodchips to Weeds

Victorian government agency VicForests is failing to regrow the state’s native forests, with a third of coupes failing to regrow after logging, a new report co-published today by 19 Victorian environment groups* reveals.

The damning new report, based on data obtained under Freedom of Information laws, has exposed for the first time how Victoria’s state logging agency is failing to regrow forests despite its claims to be doing so.

New report After the Logging

The new report After the Logging finds:

  • A third of logging coupes are failing to regenerate within three years, double the amount VicForests publicly claims.
  • In Mountain Ash forests, half of logging coupes are failing to regenerate within three years.
  • Even logging coupes that have passed the test for successful regeneration are failing to grow into forests. Ground checks and drone footage reveal some forests have been turned into weed-infested wastelands of blackberry and bracken, and others into thickets of wattle not eucalypts.

Report author Margaret Blakers OAM said: “This is the first external assessment of whether Victorian forests are actually being regrown as the state logging agency claims, and the results point to systemic and widespread failure.

The Victorian and federal governments promised to regrow all native forests back to the same state after logging, but this new evidence shows that’s simply not the case.


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Alberton West Friends of the Forest

BEAM Mitchell Environment Group

Environment East Gippsland (EEG)

Environment Victoria

Friends of Bats and Habitat Gippsland

Friends of the Earth – Forest Collective (FOE)

Friends of Leadbeaters Possum (FOLP)

Friends of Noojees Trees Gippsland

Environment Group Goongerah

Environment Centre (GECO)


The Great Tree Project (GTP)

Kinglake Friends of the Forest (KFF)

Lawyers for Forests

Newlands Friends of the Forest

Rubicon Forest Protection Group (RFPG)

Toolangi Forest Protection Group

Victorian National Parks Association (VNPA)

Wildlife of the Central Highlands (WOTCH)

Warburton Environment (WE)